Creating and editing Activities

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 10:35 AM


Creating Activities

To create a meeting room and/or catering activity:

  • navigate to the Activity Calendar on any view mode
  • Optionally, use the various filters to filter the calendar
  • Click on the calendar for the respective location
  • the activity details window will pop-up.

Here are the details you can add/edit for an activity:

  • Start / End time (1) - enter the start and end time/date for when the space will be occupied.
  • Meeting room / Restaurant (2) - select to which space(s) this activity will be allocated.
  • PAX (3) - the number of attendees will be automatically picked-up from the number of PAX in the whole event. You can change it if needed or set one if you haven't done so for the whole event.
  • Activity type (4) - select the type of activity (e.g. Networking, Coffee break, Wedding ceremony, etc.). Read Creating Activity types and Setup styles for more information.
  • Setup Style (5) - select the setup style for the space. Note that in the list you will see the setup styles the location you selected supports. Furthermore, you will see the MIN / MAX PAX for the ones that are supported. Read Creating Meeting Rooms / Creating Restaurants (locations) for more details. You can still create the activity with an unsupported style or with more PAX than what the capacity for that style.

  • Description (6) - enter a description for this activity which is visible in the built-in Event offers and can be added in any other guest-facing documents (e.g what is included, duration, and any other information).
  • Description for the staff (7) - enter an internal description for this activity, visible in the Function sheets (e.g. what to preparate, what setup to do, by what time to be ready, etc)
  • Optional (8) - mark if this activity is optional. It will be marked in yellow on the calendar.
  • Create (9) - once you've entered all the information, add the activity to the calendar.

Posting Activity charges

Once the activity is created, click on it on the calendar to open the dialogue window. From here you can post charges that will be associated with this particular activity. Read Posting charges and the Event invoice for more details.

  • Add folio and charges (1) - use this option if there isn't an Event folio opened yet or you want to post these charges to a separate folio. The dialog box for posting charges will open. Note that the system suggest the number of PAX as quantity for the charges.
  • Charge ...... (2) - if you have a folio(s) in the event already open it will be listed here. Click on it to open the posting screen and add the charges to the existing folio.
  • Charges (3) - you will see a list of everything already posted through this activity. You can click on any of them to open the list of all charges posted through this activity and make changes if needed.
  • Cancel activity (4) - you can cancel this particular activity. When doing so, the system will ask you if you want to void all charges in open folios that are associated to this activity.

Editing Activities

To edit an activity, open the same dialog window used to post charges:

  • if its a meeting room activity, click on it
  • if its a restaurant activity, click on it and select 'Edit'

You can change all the information already entered in the activity.

Important: Changing the PAX of an activity will prompt the system to repost charges that were based on the PAX. In other words, lowering the PAX will lead to reducing the Quantity of charges; increasing the PAX will increase the quantity.

If you need to change only the location or the start time of an activity, you can use the drag&drop function of the 'By Hours' calendar. Grab the activity and move it to the new location / start time.

If you've opened an activity from another event, you can click the button on the top of the dialog window to switch to that event.

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