Bookings - Advanced Search

Modified on: Mon, 10 Jun, 2024 at 8:30 PM


The 'Bookings - Advanced Search' screen provides multiple filters to search for bookings, as well as options for the bulk handling of bookings. You can use it to find bookings by various criteria.

Booking Search

The screen can be accessed by going to the Booking->Advanced Search menu from the navigation bar. To run a search:

  • Enter at least one search criterion. All filters work in combination. The more specific the criteria are, the more precise your search result will be;
  • You have the option to sort (1) the booking list;
  • Run the search clicking the  'Refresh' (2) button or the 'Search' (3) button.

Functional Buttons

Over the search result, you will see functional buttons that can be used for the selected bookings from the list. Here are the options at your disposal:

  • Open (4) - with several bookings selected, it activates the multiple booking edit mode;
  • Room (5) - use it to call the automatic room allocation for the selected bookings from the list or to remove already allocated rooms;
  • Confirmation (6) - to send a confirmation email to the selected bookings or to simply mark these bookings as "Confirmed";
  • Check In (7) and Check Out (8) for bookings;
  • Cancel (9) - options for voiding booking charges, cancellation of the booking itself or its marking as No Show;
  • Change stay (10) - the feature allows you to change the stay of multiple bookings at once. It is recommended not to process more than 50 reservations at once;
  • Rate (11) - an option to set a manual price, rate change or to repost the rate;
  • Folios (12) - includes features related to the processing of folios;
  • Guarantee (13) - change to the guarantee status of the selected bookings;
  • Registration Cards (14) - print options for the registration cards of guests;
  • Calendar colour(15)- an option to set a special colour for the selected bookings for their easier distinguishing on the 'Room Calendar' screen.

Processing the results

You can process the data on the list in several ways:

  • The 'Columns'(16) button allows you to make only these booking fields that important to us visible;
  • Print (19)- print the list in the way you have arranged it with the columns selected by you;
  • Export (17)- exports the list in a CSV format;
  • Excel (18) - exports the list in the XLSX format.

In order to start a new search, use the 'Modify Search' (20) button.

Note: The data from the two exports (17 and 18) can be used for booking import to another system. The fields that are exported DO NOT match the selected columns (16).

Tip: To quickly search for the bookings last processed, you can use the predefined filters from the navigation menu Booking->: 'Created Today', 'Created last 3 days', 'Cancelled last 3 days'. The bookings falling in any of the three lists will load on the 'Bookings - Advanced Search' screen.

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