SLOVENIA - AJPES Police Guest Data Export

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 10:19 AM


The AJPES integration now allows you to export both daily and monthly reports for your guests to the AJPES platform in a click.


  • Active AJPES account;
  • p12 certificate received by AJPES.
  • Please read THIS article for information how to create/update Guest Profile fields.
  • Please read THIS article for information how to operate with Guest Profile fields.
  • Update the document_type guest field. Go to Settings > All Settings > Guest Profile Fields > edit the document_type field (or create one, if it doesn't exist) and paste the below data in its Value List box and Save. 

    F: Obmejna prepustnica
    H: Potne listine po mednarodni pogodbi
    I: Osebna izkaznica
    L: Otroci, državljani RS, brez dokumenta
    O: Orožni list
    P: Potni list
    U: Upravne listine
    V: Vozniško dovoljenje
  • Create a tourist_tax_code guest field. To do so, go to Settings > All Settings > Guest Profile Fields > + New naming the field tourist_tax_code, setting the Field type to String and paste the below data in its Value List box and Save.

    0: Polna turistična taksa (ni oprostitve)
    1: Oprostitev - otrok do 7. leta starosti
    2: Oprostitev - zdravniška napotnica
    3: Oprostitev - invalidnost, telesna okvara
    4: Oprostitev - otrok s posebnimi potrebami
    5: Oprostitev - vzgojno-izobraževalni program
    6: Oprostitev - dijaki, študenti v domovih
    7: Delno plačilo – osebe na začasnem delu (polna taksa do 30 dni, oprostitev nad 30
    8: Oprostitev - mednarodna pogodba
    9: Oprostitev - planinski dom (člani PZS)
    10: Oprostitev - predpis občine
    11: Polovično plačilo (50%) - oseba od 7. do 18. leta starosti
    12: Polovično plačilo (50%) - mladinska prenočišča IYHF (osebe od 18. do 30. leta)
    13: Polovično plačilo (50%) - turisti v kampih
    14: Polovično plačilo (50%) - predpis občine
    15: delno plačilo - predpis občine
    16: ni plačila - ni storitve prenočevanja (dnevni počitek, ipd.)
    17: oprostitev - udeleženci letovanj prek društev v javnem interesu
    18: oprostitev - prostovoljci za odpravo elementarnih nesreč
    19: oprostitev - policisti v obdobju opravljanja nalog


To activate the AJPES connection, please open Reports > All Reports > Localizations > Slovenian Ajpes Report (Section Slovenia) and fill in your AJPES credentials*:

  • Username - the same as for the AJPES portal;
  • Password - the same as for the AJPES portal;

  • Select and upload the p12 certificate you received from AJPES;

  • Certificate password - it is also provided by AJPES;

  • Tourist Tax Rate - Configure the standard rate for the tourist tax per guest per night that will be applicable for your property;

  • Hotel number -  also provided by AJPES.

  • Departure time - enter your check-out time.

  • Document type mapping - click on '+Add Row'  to add a mapping between the document types (ID card, passport, etc.) in Clock PMS+ and the ones required in AJPES. This feature is particularly useful if you use the built-in ID Processor service. If no mappings are configured, the document types will be exported as they are filled in.

How it works

Go to Reports > All Reports > Localizations > Slovenian Ajpes Report (Section Slovenia)  to send daily or monthly report to AJPES:

Daily data export

  • Use "From Date" and "To Date" to specify the period for which you wish to send data and click Execute;
  • All guests arriving or departing in the defined period will be listed on the screen and you can preview what will be sent. If some of the fields are left blank or incorrectly completed, you can easily access the booking and the guest profile by clicking on the link in the Booking ID column;

  • The Numbering (1) button allows you to set the numbering pattern as required by local authorities. The system will suggest to you the number that follows the highest number in use within the year. At the start of a new year, you can set the numbering to start over. Please note the guests will store their zst number and the casPrihoda once exported and Numbering will not update the zst number of the already exported guests!
  • The pencil icon in column Action allows you to modify the zst number and/or the casPrihoda in case you are exporting the information late. Please note the guests will store their zst number and the casPrihoda once exported and they can not be updated furtner! 
  • Click on the SEND DATA (3) button in the upper right corner to send the data;
  • With the completion of the operation, you will be notified of its state (Successful operation / Unsuccessful operation). If Unsuccessful, the errors column will show you which guest wasn't exported successfully and what the error was, so that you can correct it
  • Once the guest's information has be sent it will not be exported with the next data export until the guest is marked to be Resend.

  • The data for the report will be collected as follows:
    ime       = first_name
    pri       = last_name
    sp        = gender_code
    dtRoj     = birth_date
    drzava    = country
    vrstaDok  = document_type
    idStDok   = document_number
    ttObracun = tourist_tax_code

Monthly report

Click on the MONTH REPORT (1) tab:

  • Specify the month for which you need to send data;
  • Specify the year for which you need to send data;
  • Select the status of the hotel for the given month;
  • Specify extra beds to be exported in the monthly report *;
  • Defines the number of days in the month when the accommodation property was opened.
  • Click on the SEND DATA (2) button to send the data;
  • With the completion of the operation, you will be notified of its state (Successful operation / Unsuccessful operation). If Unsuccessful, you will see the error returned by AJPES you can correct it.

* HINT by AJPES: Extra beds - The number of extra beds as a rule cannot exceed the number of permanent beds. For example, if we have used 1 cot in one apartment for 5 days, into the extra beds field, enter 1;- if we used 2 cots in the same apartment and 1 sofa bed at the same time for 5 days, into the extra beds field, enter  3;- if we used 1 baby cot in one apartment for 5 days and in another one 1 sofa bed and 1 cot for 7 days, into the extra beds field, enter 3.

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