Booking - Rate Price, Manual Price

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 8:48 AM


Clock PMS+ allows you to automatically calculate the booking prices through predefined rate plans. You also have the option to work with manual prices. In this case, a price is entered for each booking that is not impacted by the booking parameters. In this article, we will take a closer look at the way in which rates and manual prices are used.

Rate Price

In the calculation of the rate price, depending on its settings, the rate can calculate a different daily price of bookings with different parameters. For example, the price can be impacted by the number and the guests on the booking.

In the creation of the booking, the rate used for the calculation of the price is selected in the 'Rate' (5) rate. The system will group the available rates by the following way:

  • Company / match booking -  includes the rates related to the company selected in the booking and matching the room type (3) and meals (4) of the booking.
  • Company / other-  includes the rates related to the company selected in the booking, but NOT matching its room type and meals.

These two groupings are available, if a company profile with preset rates is selected in the 'Company / Event' (1) field of the booking.

  • Agent / match booking  - includes the rates related to the agent selected in the booking and matching the room type (3) and meals (4) of the booking.
  • Agent / other- includes the rates related to the agent selected in the booking, but NOT matching its room type and meals.

These two groupings are available if a company profile with preset rates is selected in the 'Agent' (2) field of the booking.

  • Match booking - includes the rates matching the room type (3) and meals (4) of the booking.
  • Other- includes the rates NOT matching the room type and meals of the booking. 

When a booking with a rate is created, the system automatically calculates its price and posts the services to the folio of the booking. City Tax (if any) is also applied depending on the rate.

If you change a parameter of the booking that is determinative for its price, e.g. the number and age of the guests, the booking price will be recalculated. With the change to the booking stay, the system applies the valid prices, set in the rate.

Manual Price

Apart from the rate price, you can also work the manual price which is not impacted by the specific booking parameters. Here is how you can use it:

  • Open the booking for edit;
  • Click the 'Manual Prices' (6) button;
  • In the 'Manual price' (7) field, enter the daily price of the booking;
  • In the 'Manual Currency' (8) field, select a currency for the price;
  • If, in accordance with the local legislation, City Tax is levied, in the 'City Tax Mode' (9) field, you can specify if and in what way this tax is to be applied to the manual price.
  • Save the changes.

The entered price is applied automatically to the whole stay of the booking.

To apply the manual price to multiple bookings:

  • Load the list of bookings on one of operating screens or use the Bookings - Advanced Search screen
  • Select the rows with bookings and use Rate->Manual Prices functional button.
  • Fill in the fields in the way described above and save.

Manual Price Specifics

Different prices by days

You can specify a different manual price for each day of the booking stay.

  • The price for each day of the booking stay is entered into a separate row in the 'Manual price' field. To go to another row, press the 'Enter' key.
  • The number of rows with prices is to be equal to the number of nights of the booking, otherwise the system will generate errors when saving the booking.

Combining a manual price and rate

If there is rate selected in addition to the manual price:

  • The price per night is retrieved from the 'Manual price' field in the booking.
  • When charging the services the charge template set in the rate is used. If in the rate, there is a rate package selected, the price is broken down to the elements, set in the package.

Important: If there is no rate selected, for each day of the stay a charge of the Rooms revenue group will be generated with a 'Rooms' description. The tax rate of the charge is taken from the default settings.

  • City Tax Mode - if you leave the field empty, the City Tax setting of the rate will be used. Otherwise, the mode selected for the manual price is applied. 

Tip: If you want to have the price broken down to package elements and tax codes of the services charged for the bookings with a manual price, you need to create and use a special rate to this end. Add the desired  package elements and fill in the necessary fields, including the tax code in the used charge templates. The price in the rate can be left 0, as the set manual price will actually be used. The rates of the Tour Operator Contracts type are NOT combined with manual prices.

Important: The use of manual prices in bookings is controlled by the PMS right: 'Booking: Set manual price'.

'Rate Re-post' Feature

The feature is intended for manual recalculation of the price of the booking. Regardless of whether the price is calculated by the rate or it is a manual one, the feature is applied to the actual price. You can always use it when you need to update overnight charges, e.g. applying changes made to the configuration of rate packages,charge templates. You can access the feature the following way:

  • For a single booking - open the booking for review and select the 'Rate Re-post' button from the 'Rate and Folios' section.
  • For multiple bookings - load the list of bookings in one of the operating screens or use the Bookings - Advanced Search screen. Select the rows with bookings and click Rate->Rate Re-post function button.

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