Converting Blocks to Bookings

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 10:17 AM


In the Creating Blocks (for Events or Group Bookings) article you saw how you can create hotel room blocks for Events that require accommodation as well or simply for large group requests. In this article you will see how those block can be converted into actual bookings.

Converting a block through the Event page

The quickest and easiest way to convert blocks to bookings is through the Event page itself. Navigate to the Event page and select the 'Create bookings' button in the 'Blocks' section. You will see a list of the blocks (1) and you can select the block from which you want to convert a booking. Additionally, you can create a booking associated with the Event, but not converting a block (e.g. when an extra room was needed when event guests arrived) (2).

Tip: You can use the 'Create multiple' button in the booking to create several bookings allocated to the block.

Note: All available information is transferred to the booking - dates, rate, manual price, number of guests, company profile, event and allocated block are all automatically populated. This applies also when converting through the Rate and availability or when guests convert themselves.

Tip: To streamline the Block conversion process, you can also use the Guests / Rooming List Import functionality, which allows you to create bookings based on a list of guest names provided by the event organiser in just a few clicks.

Converting a block through the Rate and Availability screen

Another option through which you can easily create bookings is through the Rate and Availability screen, menu Availability-> Rate and Availability. Enter the dates of the event, # of adults and children. You have two options to locate the block:

  • select the 'Company' profile that is organizing the event. When selected, in the 'Block' field you will see the respective blocks and select the one which you want to convert

  • enter a block code. This can be especially beneficial if you've distributed the block codes to the organizer/guests and they call in to finalize their booking.

Once you 'Check availability' the system will present to you the respective room type/rate combination derived from the selected Block or the entered Block code and you can proceed to create the booking as usual.

Note: The number of 'Free' rooms (4 Free in the screenshot above) indicates the remaining blocks, not the availability of the room type. Furthermore, the system will show the rate as compatible if the period of your search is within the period of the event. If your search has at least 1 night outside the event period, the system will show the rates as not compatible.

Important: When converting blocks into bookings through the Event page and/or the Rate and Availability screen, the system automatically allocates the booking to the Company->Event->Block in order to properly deplete the block. This is done through the Company/Event field in the booking.

Generally, you should not change anything in that field, because otherwise you risk:

  • creating a booking allocated to the Event, but not part of a block. In this case, this booking will not deplete any blocks and will be an 'extra' booking for the event in addition to the already blocked rooms.
  • creating a booking for one room type, but depleting a block for another.

Organizers/guests booking themselves through the BookDirect (WRS)

Another option for converting blocks to bookings only partially involves you and that is the option for guests to book themselves from the block through the BookDirect (WRS). Simply have a rate allocated to a block and a block code attached and provide the codes to the organizer/guests. They can then use the codes to book their room.

The booker will only see the room type/rate combination that is attached to the block code they have entered. Furthermore, if the booker searches for a period that has at least 1 night outside of the event/block period, the rate will not be offered for booking.

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