Room (Unit) Types

Modified on: Tue, 25 Jul, 2023 at 3:31 PM


Room types in Clock PMS+

'Room type' is any type of rentable unit. Depending on your property, this can be: Apartment type, Villa type, Bungalow type, Bed type, Camping plot type, etc.

The room types are used to group rentable units with similar characteristics for easy price management and availability reports.

If you want certain units in your property to be booked and priced equally, create a room type for them.

Important:  When creating room types, please note that:

  • It is not necessary to create separate room types that refer to different occupancy pricing (e.g. DBL - Double use; DBL - Single use). This case is handled by the rate system.
  • Creating too many room types will give you more detailed availability data, but it can also leave your availability reports too fragmented and make pricing management more complicated.

To add/edit a Room Type

  • From the navigation menu select  Settings-> All Settings->Rooms->Room Types.
  • Add(1) a new or edit(2) an existing room type.
  • Fill the name of the room type. Save.

We advise you to use short abbreviations for the type names. This way the data in reports will be easier to read, and the work with the operating screens - more convenient.

Example: If you have several room types: double room, double room lux, one- and two-bedroom apartments, you can use the following room type names: DBL, DLUX, APP1, APP2.
Important: Deleting a room type is not allowed if you have bookings, rooms and rates for it. In such cases, you need to change the room type in those bookings, rooms and rates first.

Room type deactivation

You can mark a room type as active up to a certain date, so that this room type is no longer in use after this date. To do so:

  • Open the edit screen of this room type
  • In the 'Active until' field, enter the last date on which the room type is to be active

Thus this date will also automatically be applied to each room of the room type. The availability of a room type is based on the rooms from this room type.

Room Type image

Clock PMS+ allows you to add images of the various room types. All images you add will appear in your Web Reservation System (BookDirect) when the respective room type is being booked.

Follow these steps:

  • From the Room Type list at the beginning of the respective room type row, click the second button (3);
  • Use the 'Add' button to load the respective images. The order of their addition determines the order of their appearing on BookDirect.


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