The Company profile page

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 9:39 AM


With this article we will familiarize ourselves with the Company profile page and what the various information and functions entail.

To open an existing Company, navigate to menu Company->Search - Company-> type in the name of the Company and click the Search button. When the results are generated, click “Open” next to the desired Company.

Company Folios, Bookings, Events and Rates

In Clock PMS+, it is very easy to keep track and operate with all folios and bookings, events and rates linked to a company. Just open a company screen, and you will have access to all of them.

The Folio Section

In the folio section of a Company profile you can manage the following:

  • Default folio (1) - here you can see or select which folio to be considered the 'Default' one for this profile. This is in relation to the automatic transfer of charges from bookings. If a default folio is not selected, charges will be transferred to the 'oldest' open folio, which can change over time and make operations more complex and prone to mistakes. When a default folio is selected, charges will be transferred to this folio only, which makes it easier to locate. From this folio, charges can then be transferred to another folio in the company. 
  • Deposit (2) - you can create a deposit folio or see any other deposit folios for this company - open, closed, voided.
  • Open Folios (3) - you can create a new open folio or see all current open folios in this company profile.
  • Unpaid Closed Folios (4) - you will see any unpaid closed (invoiced) folios. The same can also be located in the Accounts Receivable report.

Important: Please note that you will see only folios created in the Company profile - folios in bookings that only have the Company profile attached to them will not be visible in these sections.

  • All Folios and details (5) - through this button you can access the below screen giving you more details about folios and bookings related to this company profile.

  • Default folio (1) - same as above.
  • Deposit (2) - same as above.
  • Closed folios (3) - This section shows the information on closed company-related folios. In this section, by clicking the 'View' button, you can select:
    • Unpaid - to see all unpaid folios linked to the company.
    • Last month - to see all company folios that have been closed in the last month.
    • Last year - to see all company folios that have been closed in the last year.
    • All - all closed company folios are shown.
  • Open folios (4) - same as above.
  • Open Booking Folios (5) - this section lists folios in bookings related to the company profile and you can perform various operations with them, including transferring charges from the folios of these company-related bookings to a group folio. More information about transfers and group folios can be found HERE.

Other sections

The other sections in the Company profile provide even more information:

  • Company - Bookings (1) -in this section you can click on the 'As Company' or 'As Agent' links next to:
    • 'In Hotel' to see all guests in the hotel having bookings linked to the company/agent
    • 'Bookings – Expected Today and Tomorrow' to see all bookings expected today and tomorrow related to the company/agent
    • 'No Show / Cancelled' to see all bookings linked to the company/agent, which are no show or cancelled
  • Tour operator contracts (2) - create and manage tour operator contracts with this company. More information on creating and managing tour operator contracts is available HERE.
  • Events (3) - in this section you can see company-related events, listed as links to quickly access them. Next to each event, Clock PMS+ shows the period of the event and the number of bookings related to this event, which is also a link to an advanced search screen displaying these bookings in greater detail. Furthermore, you can create a new event related to this company as well (by pressing the 'Add' button).
  • Company Contract (4) - select a company contract to be used for this profile or create a new one. More information about company contracts is available HERE.
  • Rate (5) - instead of using a company contract, you can select rates to be attached to this profile. More information about individual rates related to a company is available HERE. 

Archiving or restoring a Company

If a certain Company will not be used temporarily or permanently, you can archive it, by clicking the Archive button in the Company profile. If the Company needs to be restored later, you need to click on the Restore button in the Company profile. 

To find an archived Company, select 'All' instead of 'Active Only' on the 'Search - Company' screen. 

The archived Companies will appear with a '!' sign next to them.

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