The Event page overview

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 10:15 AM


The Event Page

Main information (1)

In this section you will see and will be able to edit:

  • The Check-in and Guarantee statuses and Cancel the event. Please read HERE for more information.
  • The Period and/or length of the Event, along with the PAX. Please read HERE for more information.
  • The Name of the Event along with the Company organiser and Agent.  You can have both selected (company 'X' is organizing an event through Agent 'Y'). When the event is such that a company/agent is not involved, create a company profile for the purpose of the event. For example, if there is a wedding, you can create a company profile - 'John and Mary wedding'.
  • The contact person (optional) - the system will Suggest to you any Contact persons added in the Company and/or Agent profile. Alternatively, you can search for other profiles in the system or create a brand new profile. The Primary contact will be the first suggestion when creating documents and sending emails or will be added to the Contact persons list in the Company profile.
  • You will see the current Balance of all folios in the event
  • You will be able to set a Required Deposit for the event. The amount is visible in the offers. More importantly, it will be used by the Event Confirmation App to require payment from the organizer in order to confirm the event. Optional.

Additional information (1.1)

In this section you will see and will be able to edit: 

  • Assigned to User / Assigned to department - select to which User and/or Department is this Event assigned. Useful for the Event search where you can search for events assigned to a specific user or department. Type a department and when you save, it will be available in the drop-down menu to select for other events. Optional.

  • Notes - you can add notes about the event - e.g. a general description of your event package. Optional and visible on guest-facing features.
  • Other - you can add additional information for the event:
    • Customer cost centre - add a cost centre number if the organizer requires such for their invoice. Optional.
    • Colour - select a color for this event which will be applied in the Room Calendar if you enable events to show.
    • Tags - add a tag for this event. Useful for the Event search where you can search for events with a specific tag. Furthermore, extremely useful for the Copy function. Type a tag and when you save, it will be available in the drop-down menu to select for other events. Optional.
    • Marketing source/channel/segment - select Marketing segments for this event. Optional.
    • Client requirements - you can use this field to specify that everything is ready in relation to the clarification of the client requirements for the event. In the Event search, you can easily find the events still having details to be clarified.

ToDos (2)

In the ToDos section you can create ToDos or set an Action plan. All ToDo's related to the event will be listed here.

Credit Cards (3)

You can save Credit Card details in the event page. If you have a supported payment processor, you can use the stored details to charge amounts through the folio. 

Additionally, if you utilize the Online Event Confirmation App and the organizer pays a required deposit through the app, the card they have used for the payment will be automatically stored. Furthermore, if there is a card already stored, the organizer can opt to use that card for deposit payment or provide another one.

Activities (4)

In the Activities section you will see all activities - Meeting Room bookings and Catering - listed per day. Read more about Activities and the Activity Calendar HERE.

  • Using the Quick buttons (4.1) button you can quickly create a Meeting room and/or Catering booking, use an Event Template or open the Activity calendar.
  • Clicking on a particular date (4.2) will open the Activity Calendar for that date
  • Clicking on a particular Activity (4.3) will open the Edit window from where you can edit it.

Folios (5)

In this section will see all folios related to the event - Open, Closed, and Voided. To access a folio, click on it.

  • You can add new service or deposit folio using the buttons at the top of the section (5.1)
  • Accept charge transfers (Company) (5.2) - This setting indicates whether the Company, which is the organizer of the Events, is allowed to transfer charges to its folios or, respectively, to the folios of the Event. If you need to modify this setting, use the link at the end of the line, which will take you to the Company's profile.
  • Default transfer folio (5.3) - You can select a default folio for a specific Event, which will be used to summarize the charges from the linked bookings. This setting is used only when creating bookings via the  Guests / Rooming List Import (6.5) function.
  • You have quick buttons (5.4) to: Add a payment; Initiate a Card transaction; Add charges; Close the folio

Blocks (6)

In the Blocks section you will see all hotel room blocks made for the event - Active and Optional.

  • You can add new block through the +Add button (6.1);
  • A table overview of the blocks and their pick-up rate can be seen through the calendar button (6.2);
  • You can apply a general Expiry date or Cut-off days (6.3);
  • All blocks will be listed - if the event is longer than 5 days/4 nights (6.4). If it is shorter you will see a table with the block and their pick-up rate;
  • You can use the booking import function based on a guest name list (6.5). Learn more about this functionality from Guests / Rooming List Import.
  • You can create bookings associated with the event or pick up from a block from the Create Bookings button (6.6)
  • You can access the Block Pickup report through the respective buttons (6.7)
  • You can load all associated to the event bookings through the Related bookings button (6.8). All bookings will be listed and you can either open each one individually or use the 'Mass functions' button to load them for mass edit

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