Housekeeping Settings - Activities, Sectors, Credits and Common Areas

Modified on: Tue, 30 Jul, 2024 at 1:05 PM



To make use of the full functionality of the Housekeeping module, there are several elements that need configuring:

Housekeeping activities

The activities are the individual tasks performed by housekeepers in relation to the servicing of each room. Depending on your needs, you can define activities in general, or in greater detail. In order to configure the Activities, navigate to menu Settings->All Settings-> Housekeeping Assistant->Housekeeping Activities.

Example: Here are some examples of Housekeeping activities:

General approachDetailed approach
  • Stayover clean
  • 3rd-day linen change
  • Departure clean

  • Vacuum cleaning
  • Mopping
  • Dusting surfaces
  • Restock bathroom amenities, etc.

General approach

The general approach to the Housekeeping activities is suitable in cases where your housekeeping operations are not so complex and tasks performed don't differ from day to day. A common practice with the general approach is to create the type of cleaning as an activity - e.g. Stayover cleaning, Check-out cleaning, 3rd-day linen change, etc. There are certain Pros and Cons when using this approach:

  • More compact housekeeping reports and screens as the tasks (activities) that are generated are simply 'Stayover clean' or 'Departure clean'
  • Activities are more 'general'
  • Lack of a 'checklist' of the activities that need to be performed
  • Cannot assign incidental activity
  • Restricted if there are schemes containing different cleaning activities

Detailed approach

The detailed housekeeping tasks approach gives you the option to very strictly list, manage, and track every individual task that a housekeeper needs to perform. Contrary to the general one, where you create activities based on the type of the cleaning, with the detailed one you create literally everything a cleaning team does - Vacuuming; Mopping; Scrubbing bathtub; Restocking amenities; Dusting surfaces, and many many more. 

  • Detailed 'checklist' of every cleaning activity
  • Easier management and adjustments of activities
  • Can assign incidental activities
  • Flexibility to have various cleaning schemes with different cleaning activities
  • Not so compact reports and screens, since a lot of activities will be generated.

Important: Regardless of which approach you prefer, after creating the activities you must create Activity Schemes as well. Make sure you go through our article about Activity Schemes to complete the configuration.

Creating Housekeeping Activities

Once you have decided if you will use the more general or detailed setup:

  • Navigate to menu Settings->All Settings-> Housekeeping Assistant->Housekeeping activities;
  • Click the purple '+' button on the top right:

  • The following window will pop up:

  • Title (1) - Enter the name of the activity (e.g. Dusting surfaces). This name will be visible in Housekeeping reports if a Code (see below) is not applied.
  • Code (2) - Use the codes to make the activity presentation in the housekeeping report and screens more compact. The code will override the 'Title'.
  • Credits (3) - For each activity, you can set a number of Credits. You can view these credits as the time needed for each task. Their role is very important for the proper distribution of work among housekeepers. Consider 1 credit as 1 minute of work.

Housekeeping Sectors

Housekeeping sectors are extremely important if you want the system to automatically distribute tasks among the housekeepers as they are used to group rooms together. By using the sectors, the algorithm will distribute the tasks in a logical and relevant way.


  • Each of the property floors can be considered as a sector - 1st floor is Sector 1, 2nd floor is Sector 2, etc.
  • Then you can set Sector 1 for all rooms on the 1st floor, Sector 2 for all rooms on the 2nd floor, etc.

To configure the Housekeeping sectors of the rooms: 

  • navigate to menu Settings->All Settings->Rooms->Rooms;
  • open/edit the desired room unit;
  • type or select the sector in the field 'Housekeeping sector':

Housekeeping credits

Apart from applying credits to the Activities and Activity Schemes, you need to apply 'daily credits per housekeeper'. This is needed if you want to make use of the forecast option that the module provides, namely how many housekeepers you will need based on tasks for the day(s).

To configure the housekeeper credits, navigate to menu Settings->All Settings-> Housekeeping Assistant->Housekeeping credits:

  • Default daily credits per housekeeper (1) - enter credits per housekeeper for a day. If you use the approach 1 credit=1 minute, then for an actual 6-hour work day of a housekeeper, enter 360.
  • Algorithm (2)- select which algorithm to be used for the auto-assignment of tasks
    • Fixed order - This algorithm prioritizes the order of housekeeping sectors, however, sometimes housekeepers are not equally assigned tasks.
    • Optimal - This is an algorithm letting you take advantage of the equal distribution of tasks among housekeepers, however, sometimes they may receive tasks in different housekeeping sectors.

Note: Test both methods of distribution and select the more suitable for you. You can change the method at any time.

Common Areas

Besides rooms, housekeeping should also take care of corridors, staircases, landings, lobbies, etc. You can manage the activities for these areas by defining them first:

  • Navigate to menu Settings->All Settings-> Housekeeping Assistant->Common Areas;
  • Click the purple '+' button on the top right:

  • Name (1) - Enter the name of the area;
  • Housekeeping Sector (2) - Optionally specify the housekeeping sector;
  • Sort order (3) - Enter the order in which this area will appear in lists and reports.

Once defined, you will be able to select these areas when adding housekeeping tasks.

Note: Please be aware that tasks for common areas are not automatically generated at the moment and must be manually created by the user.

Housekeeping Activity Schemes

Once the above is done, complete the Housekeeping configuration by creating Activity Schemes. Please check THIS article for all the information.

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