Guest Mailer - Editing the built-in Confirmation Email

Modified on: Tue, 21 May, 2024 at 8:50 AM


With Clock PMS+, it takes only a few clicks to generate and send booking confirmation emails based on a preconfigured email template. All booking information on these emails is either set in advance or automatically retrieved from the respective bookings in the system.

Confirmation email sections

For your convenience, we have divided the confirmation email into 17 sections to show how Clock PMS+ creates a confirmation email for each booking in the system:

Important: You can generate the confirmation email in different languages. In order to have content in the template for each language, you must do the settings outlined below in menu Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations for each language which you have added/use 

  • Page Header (1)- A text here can appear on all your booking confirmation emails, if preconfigured: 
    • Go to Settings->All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation - Cancellation - Page';
    • Fill in the desired text in the 'Page Header' field;
  • Guest's Name (2) - The name here is automatically filled-in by Clock PMS+ using the guest's name from the relevant booking.
  • Confirmation email text (3) - This is an introductory text to accompany the details of a booking. In order to preconfigure it:
    • Go to Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation - Cancellation - Page';
    • Type in the desired text in the 'Confirmation email text' field;
    • 'Save';
  • MyBooking Portal (Self-service portal) link (4) - This link appears on your booking confirmation emails if the MyBooking Portal (Self Service Portal) add-on is installed.
  • Hotel Logo (5) - To learn how to have your hotel logo displayed on your booking confirmation emails, see: Logo.
  • Hotel Contact info (6) - The hotel contact info appearing in this section can be entered by going to:
    • Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation - Cancellation – Page';
    • Then fill in the 'Page – Hotel contacts label' field with the desired hotel contacts info (phone #, exact address, etc.);
  • Confirmation # (7) - The confirmation number coincides with the number of booking in the system.
  • Hotel Name (8) - The hotel name in this section is the one set in the 'Hotel name' field of the  Settings->All Settings-> 'Account Info' screen.
  • Booking Details (9) - These booking details are retrieved from the relevant information stored in the system for each booking.
  • Guarantee Option (10) - In order to have this section on a booking confirmation email, a guarantee option must have been selected for the booking.
  • Required Deposit (11) - The amount shown in this section is automatically calculated as per the settings for the relevant guarantee option.
  • To Pay (12) - This is the outstanding amount of the required deposit to be paid.
  • Total Booking Price (13) - Clock PMS+ calculates the amount in this section based on the room and other applicable charges for the booking.
  • Location Map (14) - the map of your property selected as 'Hotel Map' in Settings->All Settings->Locations OR the map selected for the booking room type/room. Learn more about locations HERE.
  • Guarantee option Title and Description (15)- When a guarantee option is selected on the booking creation/edit screen, the guarantee option's title and description can appear on the booking confirmation email, if you:
    • Go to Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Guarantee Option Description/Translation'
    • Type in the display names and descriptions of your guarantee options in the relevant fields;
    • 'Save'
  • Hotel Policy (16)- Follow the steps below in order to have the hotel policy displayed on all your booking confirmation emails:
    • Go to Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation – Hotel policy'
    • Type in the title and description of your hotel policy in the relevant fields;
    • 'Save'
  • Page Footer (17)- As with the Page Header section, a text here can appear on all your booking confirmation emails, if preconfigured:
    • Go to Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation - Cancellation - Page'
    • Fill in the desired text in the Page Footer field;
    • 'Save'
  • Subject of email- With Clock PMS+, the subject of all booking confirmation emails can be set in advance, as follows:
    • Go to Settings-> All Settings-> Content -> Common translations-> click 'Booking Confirmation - Cancellation – Page'
    • In the Confirmation Email Subject field, type in the text to be used as a subject of your confirmation emails;
    • 'Save'

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