Guest Mailer - Using a Custom-designed Confirmation email

Modified on: Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 1:43 PM


Separately from the Guest Mailer, Clock PMS+ supports a Confirmation email functionality with its pre-configured templates.

This confirmation email will be:

  • sent automatically to bookings created through the BookDirect (WRS);
  • sent automatically to guests that guarantee their reservation through the MyBooking Portal (SSP);
  • available to send manually with just a couple of clicks for manually created bookings.

Important: This feature is built in and functions by default, meaning you do not need to configure anything in the Guest Mailer.

Customizing the built-in confirmation template

Since this functionality is built-in and active by default, we have also prepared templates that the system uses: a Confirmation email for a single booking and a Confirmation email for Multi-room booking.

However, the control you have over the templates is mostly related to the content - you are able to add texts, headers, footers, add your logo - but you don't have control over the overall design and positioning of the information.

Please check THIS article which explains all the content that you can edit in the built-in confirmation template and from where you can change it.

Creating a custom-designed confirmation template

We understand that being able to edit only written content might not be enough for many of you and you would like to design a template matching your vision, brand identity and be able to position the information in a way you want.

To create and use your custom-designed template, please follow the steps:

Step 1

Create a Mailer in the Guest Mailer - navigate to menu Settings->All Settings->Guest Engagement->Guest mailer and create a mailer. 

Important: When you are creating the Mailer, you do that just so you can create a custom template which will replace the built in template. Please make sure that the Auto-send is turned OFF for this Mailer, otherwise guests that create bookings through BookDirect (WRS) will receive a confirmation email twice.

Step 2

Create your template using the Visual Builder. You can find how to use the Visual Builder HERE. You can create your custom template for both single-room booking and multi-room booking.

Step 3

Replace the default build-in template with your custom one. Navigate to the Guest Mailer - menu Settings->All Settings->Guest Engagement->Guest mailer and in the tab 'Booking confirmation', change the default one with your custom one. Be sure to save your changes.

Note: Selecting a custom single booking confirmation only will also replace the default Multiple booking confirmation - each booking in the group will be shown separately in the multiple confirmation message. In order to use the "table view" (or the more compact view) for the group bookings, please make sure you create a multiple booking confirmation template, too.

Once you have completed the above 3 steps, your brand new custom-designed confirmation template will be used.

Confirmation email and OTA bookings

By default, Clock PMS+ does not send a confirmation email to OTA bookings. This is due to (but not limited to) 2 main reasons:

  • The OTA itself will have already sent a confirmation email to those guests;
  • When guests pay to the OTA, common practice is that the OTA sends the PMS the prices for those bookings minus their commission. If guests receive a regular confirmation email from Clock PMS+, then quite possibly, prices in that email will not be the ones the guests actually paid to the OTA leading to confusion.

If, however, you want to send some message to the guests, acknowledging the booking, you can do so with the guest mailer. We recommend, however, to not include any information about pricing/rate in such an email to avoid confusion if the guest paid already to the OTA.

We have configured:

  • The email will be sent 1 hour After Booking Creation;
  • We have selected 'Yes' in the OTA Booking filter so only OTA reservations (imported through the Channel manager) will receive this message.

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