Clock PMS+ Update (11 Sep 2017)

Modified on: Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 11:24 AM


Credit Card Data in the Notes fields: For security reasons and in compliance with the PCI DSS rules for protecting stored credit card data, we have introduced limitations to the entry of numbers resembling credit card numbers in some note fields.

We would like to remind you that credit card data is to be solely entered in the fields specially designated for this purpose. The entry of such data in unprotected fields exposes both you and us to a risk of various data misuse and serious financial fines.


  • New Report: 'Charges by Rooms'. The report is suitable for viewing the services used with each room for a certain date, as well as for various management purposes. It provides information of charges posted for a room, based on all bookings for the room for a certain date (room changes are also accounted for) and the charges posted on the selected date in these bookings (service date filter used). The bookings without an allocated room and their charges are not included in this report. The same applies to cancelled bookings.
  • New Report: 'Open Folio Charge Age Report'.The report is designed to help you easily find all open folios which should have already been closed . To do so, it calculates the 'age' of each charge of the folio. The 'Age' is the difference in days between the today’s date and the one (Service date) the charge refers to. Then follows the determination of the age of the oldest and the newest charges for each folio. The two filters of the report: 'Oldest charge age' and 'Newest charge age' pinpoint the open folios you need. Example:
    • If you set the 'Newest charge age' to 1, it means you are looking for all open folios containing charges for past dates only. In other words, these should be the folios which can now be closed.
    • If you set 'Oldest charge age' to 30, for example, it means you need to see the open folios having at least one charge being 30 days or more old. You’ll find this feature very useful when complying with legal deadlines for document issue.
  • 'Occupancy and Charges Report'. Now it can be run by room types.From the 'Show' drop-down menu, select 'By room type'. If using virtual rooms, please note that:
    • The revenue refers to the booked room type. When this is a virtual one, the revenue entirely refers to the virtual room type. The number of bookings and the revenue for the component rooms involved are NOT accounted for. The only value shown for the component rooms is in the ‘Occupancy’ column.
    • The capacity of virtual rooms is not included in the total capacity sum.
  • Segmentation by 'Room' in segmentation reports: 'Charge Segmentation Report'; 'Bednights Report'; 'Booking Segmentation Report'. In the first two reports, the segmentation accounts for room changes. The 'Booking Segmentation Report' disregards for room changes because the opposite contradicts the report logic. Instead, the segmentation is made based on the arrival room.
  • To the 'Occupancy and charges' and 'Occupancy and charges D-M-Y' Reports, a new option has been added to let you choose the type of the amount to be shown in the report. Click 'Value' to choose: 'Charged amount'; 'Net value' or 'Gross value'.
  • The 'Payments Report' now contains information of the PSP/Transaction reference, if the payment is automatically generated through an interface linked to a Payment Gateway (Adyen,, PayPal, etc.).


  • POS. Now you can use an Adyen Credit Card terminal to accept payments in Clock POS.
    • To use an Adyen POS Terminal, you need to have a Clock IoT Device. If you are a holder of multiple accounts (hotels, restaurants), you’ll have to use a separate Clock IoT Device for each account.
    • The settings of Clock IoT Device and Adyen POS are the same as the ones of Clock PMS and are accessed from the ‘Management' menu. You can also contact our Support Team for more information.
  • How it works:
    • After activating the 'Adyen (POS Terminal)', fill in all fields and add at least one POS terminal on the settings screen. A 'Terminal' button will appear on the bill closure screen, replacing the old 'Credit Card' one.
    • After clicking the button, the amount to be paid will be sent to the POS terminal and a credit card will be requested.
    • If the credit card payment is successful, it will automatically be added to the bill. The bill itself will be closed and printed similarly to the other payments.
  • We have improved the import from csv file of Bookings, Profiles and Menu Items to let you work with big files, too. You no longer need to break them into smaller ones.
  • Users - Idle timeout. In compliance with PCI DSS requirements, we have added a new feature to automatically log out users having been idle for X minutes. You can find this setting on the user edit screen under the name of 'Auto Logout Idle Minutes'. Here the default value is 720 minutes. Change default value can be changed to better suit your needs.
  • Payment interfaces. We have forbidden to reverting from 'Live' to 'Test'. If you need to take such an action, please contact our Support Team.
  • Gift Vouchers. We have changed the way gift vouchers are numbered. Now their numbering looks like the following: 'ABCD 1234 5678'. The reason for this change is that the old numbering style visually resembled credit card numbers which triggered various security protection measures.


  • WRS. We have fixed the issue making it impossible to create a booking with a Booking offer, when the Latest hour feature is used.
  • WRS. The booking amount parameter tracking scripts no longer contains a currency. The currency itself is now an individual parameter.
  • Folio. The folio amount didn’t get updated immediately, when the feature for charge transferring to a new folio was used.
  • POS. The inventory codes weren’t included in the charges posted through charge templates of the Service revenue group.

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